# This page is pure Markdown It is hosted as a `.html` file, but it is written in pure Markdown. Traditional markdown-based static sites typically require pre-processing steps to convert markdown into HTML before hosting. With this solution, **you can host the raw markdown files** while the browser handles the conversion dynamically. ## 🔧 Usage 1. **Write your page in Markdown** 2. **Add this script at the top** (or host [the script](https://github.com/tducret/pure-markdown/blob/main/script.js) yourself) ```html <script src="https://bit.ly/puremd"></script> # Your Page Using Markdown. ``` 3. **Host your file with the `.html` suffix** ## 🕵️ Proof Right-click on this page, and click on `View page source` (or check out [the file on Github](https://github.com/tducret/pure-markdown/blob/main/index.html)). You can also render it in your terminal with [glow](https://github.com/charmbracelet/glow) : ```sh # brew install glow # or check https://github.com/charmbracelet/glow#installation curl -s https://www.tducret.com/pure-markdown/ | glow -p ``` ## 🃏 Capabilities ### Emphasis It supports *italic*, **bold** and ~~strikethrough~~. ### Lists 1. First level 1. Very 2. Cool 7. Numerotation 2. Second level - Without - Numbers ### Horizontal rule --- ### Table | Left Align (default) | Center Align | Right Align | | :------------------- | :----------: | ----------: | | A | A | A | | B | B | B | | C | C | C | ### Code Both `inline code` and code blocks : ```js console.log('Hello, World!'); ``` ### Images ![Markdown logo]() ### Links - [My LinkedIn Profile](https://www.linkedin.com/in/thibaultducret) - [My GitHub Page](https://github.com/tducret) --- ## 😔 Limitations - HTML tags can't be written directly in your Markdown page. Use `&lt;` instead of `<` - Footnotes are not supported (as they are not supported by the marked.js library) - Headers do not generate anchor links - The script is not optimized for performance. It is a simple proof of concept. - It is not optimized for SEO. ## 📚 References - [Github repository](https://github.com/tducret/pure-markdown) - The Markdown conversion to HTML is performed with [marked.js](https://marked.js.org/) - The CSS styling is a simplified version of the excellent [bearblog.dev](https://bearblog.dev/) - [Markdown Cheatsheet](https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet)